Carnegie Mellon University

Committee on Student Organizations (CoSO) Representatives


The Committee on Student Organizations (CoSO) is the body that facilitates the new recognition process and oversees the annual re-recognition process of our 350+ student organizations. In addition, the committee is charged with overseeing and bi-annual student organization space allocation process. There are representatives from the Undergraduate Student Senate, the Graduate Student Assembly, and student organization community that sit on the committee.

CoSO is advised by Stacie Gardner, Assistant Director of Student Leadership, Involvement, and Civic Engagement (SLICE).

If you have any questions regarding the processes of re-recognition or new recognition of a student organization, please feel free to contact Amanawit Assefa, the Director of Organizations, at

CoSO Overview & Positions


Director of Organizations


Amanawit Assefa 

Director of New Recognition


Deepti Aggarwal


Director of Re-Recognition


Samantha Lee