Tartan Collaborative Commons
The Tartan Collaborative Commons (TCC) aims to solve one of the main issues students face on campus: increasing the amount of study and meeting space. Senate funded the construction of the TCC in 2015, after student feedback. The TCC is located on the 3rd Floor of the Cohon University Center.
Reserve the TCC Glass Rooms
Starting February 2023, the two TCC Glass Rooms will be available by reservation. Reservations can be made by any CMU student and must be made at least an hour in advance. Please provide your CMU email with the reservation.
Both rooms have whiteboards, TV screens with HDMI connections, and seats for 7 people. If either room is free, it can be used without a reservation, but priority will be given to anyone with a reservation.
Student Government Conference Rooms
Student organizations can book space in the Student Government Conference Rooms, CUC 306 and 329. Both rooms have conference tables, whiteboards, and TV screens with laptop connections.
Please note that CUC 306 and 329 belong to Student Government. Should Student Government require use of the room (with 48 hours notice prior) during a time that another organization has scheduled use of it, that organization may lose its reservation. In this case, the organization that has been bumped will be notified as soon as possible. If the other conference room is available, it will be reserved for the group, but if not, the organization is responsible to find alternative space on campus.